
1. Logging in to my account?

Your account in was automatically created when you received your first token. Your account username is the email address or phone number that was used to notify you about the token(s). To log in to your account, press the Login button and enter the same email address or phone number as your username. After that we will send you a code to your email address or phone number, please use it when asked.

2. Can’t find a code for logging in

When logging in to, we will send you a code for extra security. This will be sent to the same email address or phone number as used for logging in. If you don’t receive your code to your inbox, be sure to also check from spam or try resending it.

3. Tokens on my different emails and/or phone numbers

If you have multiple accounts registered with different email addresses or phone numbers, you might want to link your accounts together. This will allow you to:

  • access all your accounts with one login;
  • transfer tokens between your linked accounts. Linking your accounts is suitable if you want to keep receiving tokens through different channels (for example you have used one email address for one platform, phone number on another platform and don’t want to take the hassle of changing your data on their platforms).

NB! Keep in mind that transferring your tokens to your other account doesn't affect future transactions. Future tokens will keep coming to the original account chosen on the platform you received the tokens from. To start linking, log in to, open the top right menu –> Manage accounts and follow the instructions.

4. How to see all my tokens on one account?

You can transfer the tokens between your own accounts. For doing that you need to first link your accounts together. Log in to, open the top right menu –> Manage accounts and follow the instructions there. When linking is completed, you can see the link "Transfer tokens to your other account" on each program's detailed view. Click there and follow the instructions to complete the transfer.

5. What if I lose access to my email address or phone number?

Unfortunately there is nothing to do. If you lose access to your email or mobile phone number, you unfortunately cannot access your account as you cannot prove that you are in control of these. Once you regain control, you can access your account.

6. Deleting the account

Contact our support to delete your account.

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